Useful links for members
​Club Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/overtonblackarrows/
Links to other Archery related sites
The links below are provided purely for their usefulness. Overton Black Arrows does not endorse any of the companies or products below.
Archery GB - www.archerygb.org
AGB Field - www.field-archerygb.uk
FITA - www.archery.org
SCAS (Southern Counties Aechery Society) - www.scasarchery.org.uk
HAA (Hampshire Archery Association) - www.haa.org.uk
EFAA (English Field Archery Association) - www.efaafieldarcher.com
NFAS (National Field Archery Sociery) - www.nfas.net
Competition & Tournament lists
BB - https://www.brightonbowmen.net/tournament-diary/
Archery interchange - Archery Interchange UK forum
Useful Sites
Archery TV - www.archery.tv
Classification & Handicap Calculator - http://www.expertarcher.com/hcaps.html
Longbow classification (DNAA) http://dnaa.co.uk/leagues/blaze-information/
Online Archery Academy https://www.onlinearcheryacademy.com/
Score requirements to achieve FITA Arrowhead awards here
Reference Guide for Recurve Archers
FITA - recurve bow tuning guide
Tuning for barebow
Wrapping dental floss nocks
Shooting on hills
Fivics Finger Tab size guide (right click, save as)
Scoring apps
ExpertArcher (Android) - play.google.com
ExpertArcher (IOS) - itunes.apple.com
Scoring websites
ArcheryScorepad.com - www.archeryscorepad.com
ExpertArcher.com (handicaps) - www.expertarcher.com/hcaps.html
Quicks - www.quicksarchery.co.uk
Alternatives - www.alternativess.com
Merlin - www.merlinarchery.co.uk
Chiltern Archery - www.chiltern-archery.co.uk
Carol - www.carolarchery.com
Wales Archery Specialist - www.walesarchery.co.uk
Hoyt - www.hoyt.com
Win & Win - www.win-archery.com
Samick - www.samicksports.com
KG - www.kgarchery.com
Beiter - www.wernerbeiter.com/en/products/productschedule.php
Sure-Loc - www.sureloc.com
Shibuya - www.shibuya-archery.com/english/index.html
Easton - www.eastonarchery.com
Border - www.borderbows.com
Matthews - www.mathewsinc.com
Hillary Greenland - www.sylvanarchery.co.uk
Bosses / targets - www.tenzonetargets.com