Watership Down Open, incorporating Hampshire and SCAS Championships
Inter-county 2023
Wot no Rabbits - 3D HAA & SCAS Champs
2023 Watership Down Open (Field) - Day 2
2023 Watership Down Open (Field) - Day 1
2022 SCAS 3D Field Championships
Watership Down Open, incorporating the HAA and SCAS Championships
Winter Field League March 2022
2021 Open & SCAS 3D Field Championships
2021 Open, SCAS & Hampshire Field Championships
All British & Open Field Championships 2021 - Day 2
Pictures from Day 2 (bows with no sights). Please see more photos here: AGB photos Day 2
All British & Open Field Championships 2021 - Day 2
All British & Open Field Championships 2021 - Day 1
Pictures from Day 1 (bows with sights). Please see more photos here: AGB photos Day 1
Exmouth field shoot
HAA 3D Field Championships - September 2020
September Field Shoot 2020
Watership Down Open July 2020
​Big Weekend May 2019

Open Tournament - 2018
All British Field Archery Championships
Hampshire championships
15 members shot at the hampshire open this year.
Watership Down Field Archery tournament
The 8th/9th July was the annual field shoot, combined with the Hampshire and English championships. Please click through to explore the full album
An evening at the Warren
A few members went to shoot in the woods in June:
Old Basing Valentines day shoot
6 members shot the WA25 round at Old Basing - an indoor shoot that was suspiciously FREEZING.
Alexander came back with a Bronze and Richard came 4th!
New Year Blackpool round
13 members shot at the New Years eve Blackpool shoot....the weather was kind, the cake was kinda..nice..
Christmas frostbite
Alton & Four Marks shoot
11 members braved the light winds and minor showers to attend the Alton & Four Marks shoot. Okay well, there was sun too!
We did VERY well, with many medals and trophies brought home.
I am Team GB
We had about 80 people at the "I am Team GB" event, one of whom was Graham Hadfield aka The Marathon Dragon. Determined to enter the 2020 Olympics!
AC Delco shoot
The AC Delco shoot on the 14th August - Richard won the men's recurve class, with Steve in 8th and Mike in 15th place (out of 29). Jodie won her (U12) class and Alex came second in the U18 class!
2016 Watership down shoot
Basingstoke & Deane photos
A photographer came along from Basingstoke & Deane to take photos on sport in the area.
Members at Yateley shoot
Quite a haul of medals at this event - Richard Bucker won the gents recurve, Jo the Ladies, Dave won Compound, Luke won the U16, with Alex second, Jodie won the U12. Richard, Jo, Rob & Luke won the team competition and Richard even won the fun competition at the end!
Peter at GNAM
Established in York in 1844, the Grand National Archery Meeting is one of British Archery's most historic events and is now shot over three days at Lilleshall. Our president Peter attended and shot longbow
Oakley "try the sport", 24th April 2016
Old Basing "St George" shoot, 23rd April 2016
Eric and friends at the Apollo field shoot
Shooting at the Warren, February 2016
Frostbite, February 2016
Older photos
Our founders!
Back row left to right: Daphne Viney, Harold Light, Nell Light, Freda Robinson
Front row: Wally Washbourne, Dave Hill, Terry Robinson, Roy Veal.

Even older photos!
Photos from past events can be found here.