Deer Park 3D
Four OvBA members took part in the 3D competition at Deer Park on the first Saturday in the month.
Steve Allam, Angus Falcoln Relf, Ed Pocket and Fin Edwards. They all did themselves proud, coming back with medals, Steve the Gold in Traditional, Angus the Silver in Traditional, Ed The Silver in Barebow and Fin the Bronze in Barebow.
Well done gentlemen, maybe some of our ladies might be interested in some competitions next year?
Roving in Sandringham
Dave Mahers made the long trip to the Sandringham Estate to take part in a Roving event.
Whilst targets and types of shoots can vary, the main aspect of a roving shoot, is distance shooting from one point to the next, and the next, and the next, shooting your way around a course that requires acres of land.
It's sort of like golf, but with bows and arrows.
However, no aluminium or carbon arrows allowed, only wooden ones. Likewise bows must be wooden too, so no olympic recurve, compound or even barebow if your riser is metal and or your limbs include carbon or anything other than wood then roving won't be for you, unless you treat yourself to a new bow and some wooden arrows.
If you'd like to know more, have a chat with Dave Mahers, our Asiatic Bow shooting member.
Inter County Field Shoot
Archers from across Southern England, well Hampshire, Kent and Sussex, visited The Warren on Sunday the 15th.
OvBA members taking top spot in Barebow > Rob Aldridge, and Recurve > Richard Buckner.
Similar SCAS events with other counties shooting at The Warren may well take place again, so don't be surprised to see requests for helpers to get the course set up and competition tent put up in future.
Thanks to all those who helped set up the course, tents etc., especially Steve and Susie for setting the course and distances for the competitors.
Well done to all those taking part and representing their respective counties, especially Rob and Richard for taking the top spot in their repective categories.