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September Summary

More medals for OvBA Archers

Steve Allam travelled to Pentref and took Silver in the Traditional category at the Welsh Field Championship.

Richard Buckner shot at Lillishall - AGB HQ - in the National County Team Championships [NCTC] and helped the Mens Recurve team to a 5th spot finish in testing conditions which saw the final days shooting cut short and qualification round scores used to form the results, so who knows what would have happened with a full shoot on day two!

From the qualification scores, Hampshire had a good NCTC showing overall with Gold for the Hampshire Recurve Women, Gold for the Hampshire Barebow Men and Women, Silver for the Hampshire Compound Women.

Exmouth Field & English Field Competitions

Both events were held at the same venue across the same weekend with the merry team of four OvBA Archers having a great time and achievement all things considered.

Exmouth has been wet and windy in recent years, but the weather was much kinder this year with predominantly rain free archery over the whole weekend.

The OvBA archers did themselves and their club proud with a notable haul of medals;

Richard Buckner took Gold in both events in the Recurve category.

Rob Aldridge took Silver in both events in the Barebow category.

Steve Allam took Gold in both events in the Traditional category, including a new PB.

Steve Baker had a lovely weekend too, with much amusement watching an archer half submerge himself in a puddle!

Club Nights at Testbourne

The indoor season has started, Testbourne is now booked for us to use each Wednesday evening from 7pm to 9pm (we need to be fully packed away by 9:30pm) until the end of March, although we probably won't shoot there on the 27th of December and the 3rd of January, unless demand and availability of someone to unlock and lock up the equipment store is there.

Nigel Solcombe, our friendly County Coach, has been to help at Testbourne already in September and is due back at Testbourne on the 25th of October for is his next visit.

If you'd like some coaching help from Nigel at Testbourne, please book a ticket to shoot and tick the coaching box.

Maintenance Day

The last day of September saw 10 members turn out at Laverstoke to do some maintenance of the range, bosses and clubhouse.

The bosses were repacked, an old boss dismantled for spares and its foam.

The distance lines re-marked with weedkiller, including the waiting line many archers seem to forget to use, albeit it's been somewhat difficult to see recently.

The hedges and edges around the start of the range were trimmed and strimmed.

The clubhouse tided up and the walls and ceiling of the WC painstakingly painted, just the floor to go now!

So, a big thank you to; Angus, Barry, Bayad, Dave M, Eric, Maurice, Paul W, Rob C, Steve W, Terry and Tricia who helped, it really is very much appreciated and needed from time to time.

New boss and old bosses, move them carefully please!

We've recently taken delivery of a new boss and over the coming weeks and months (weather permitting) all bosses still in use, will be painted with wood treatment to help prolong their useful life.

There's an old boss with just two wheels to move it and wire guy ropes to pin it in place.

Please be very careful if you need to move this particular boss, ideally only moving it if there're two of you move it together.

It is useable, but is showing its age and needs to be handled with TLC when it's moved.

This is likely to be the next boss we remove from the range, but there shouldn't an issue to keep using it, just be careful if you need to move it.

All older four wheel bosses, i.e. those with a short wheelbase, should be moved with a bit of TLC too, especially now the ground is softening up as wheels can sink into the ground and it can be all too easy for a short wheelbase boss to tip forward and onto the floor (possibly damaging it or even breaking it in the process) when trying to move it forwards if pushing from behind, so please do take care when moving these bosses, thank you.

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