We held our annual field tournament on the 9th/10th July, Saturday was the Hampshire & Southern Counties championships, Sunday the continuation of the 2 day Open tournament.
Around 50 archers attended each day, shooting seven different bow styles. On Saturday, the weather was cool in the morning with temperatures climbing throughout the day. Archers were presented with a very challenging course with some tricky shots shooting up, down and across the steep slopes of “the Warren”.
The club is also celebrating its 60th anniversary and after the competition on Saturday came the Hog Roast and a few drinks. Alongside this, some fun shots were available including our “Olympic Challenge” which is a 70m uphill cross slope shot onto a 20cm target, and a fun clout – a shot towards “Phil” – a 4ft minion, 180 yards away up a very steep slope.
Sunday saw the second half of the Open competition – with the course changed a fair bit from day 2. The sun was out and temperatures soared, making the competition tougher on the second day.
The event was enjoyed by all, and the club was very pleased to see a number of beginners to field archery come and join in the fun. All proceeds from the fun events and teas/coffees, are being donated to the clubs chosen charity – ‘timetotalk’ (west berks) https://t2twb.org . The total raised was £542!